First Samuel 17 reveals the character and boldness of a young teen named David. He caught the eye of a king and an entire nation. He did so living in a day where he couldn’t post a video of himself online to millions of people. We have this ability today, yet we can’t seem to get people’s attention. How did David gain the attention of a nation? How did a teen make such a drastic, dramatic change in history? Truth—this is what made the difference for David.
Author: Jocelyn Allen (page 4 of 9)
What’s the point? What’s the point of being a good person? What’s the point of reading your Bible? What’s the point of going soulwinning? What’s the point of praying? What’s the point of trying to be a good Christian?
Seriously, why do we do it all?
4 Reasons Christians Today Don’t Want Jesus
Have you ever heard the song, “Give Me Jesus”? It’s a relatively simple song, but it has a profoundness to it. It progresses through following scenarios of life: “In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus. When I am alone, give me Jesus. And when I come to die, give me Jesus.” Each time it ends with, “Give me Jesus.” My favorite part is the end where it says, “You can have all this world, but give me Jesus.” We live in a world and culture where this is a rarity—even in our Christian culture! We were created to know God, and He wants us to know Him! Yet we’re so enamored with other things that we don’t do the very thing that we were made to do—know God. Throughout the Bible, we read about people who longed after God: Read more