Author: Jocelyn Allen (page 3 of 9)

Conquering Your Reading Goal in 2018

It’s everyones favorite time of year—goal setting time! You know those New Year’s resolutions that last until your first Monday back at work? Now I’m the type of person that totally forgets about New Year’s resolutions until someone asks me what some of mine are, and then I usually spew out the typical response. But last year, I decided to go all out and set two goals: no more soda and finish 100 books.

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10 Ways to Read More

We’re almost half-way through 2017— so how are those New Year’s resolutions of yours? If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably let a few slide or you’re barely holding on to others. Reading was one of my resolutions, and there have been quite a few days and weeks where I’ve struggled to keep up—and today is definitely one of those days. So like the weirdo I am, I wrote this blog post for myself but thought I’d share it with you.

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We’ve all probably heard or said the phrase, “That’s enough!” It communicates that someone’s had a sufficient amount of something. Sometimes you say it when you’re at an all you can eat buffet, and you can’t eat anymore. Or maybe if you’ve driven your mom to the brink of insanity with your behavior. The word enough signifies nothing more is required. There is a song that says, “Christ is enough for me.” The first time I sang that song, I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming conviction as I thought to myself, “Is Christ enough for me? Is Christ my life?”  I know He’s not always enough for me, and as I look around, I see others are facing the same struggles I am. Why is Christ not enough for us?

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